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What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?



Read Ezekiel 3.16-27

A week after his overwhelming experience with God, Ezekiel is now given more clarity about his role as a prophet. He is a watchman for Israel, warning the exiles of the danger of their sin and calling them to repentance. Nobody wants to hear these hard words, but they are essential for our good. Even today, God continues to provide his church with watchmen who are responsible for proclaiming God’s word and calling God’s people to repentance and restoration.


Discussion Questions

  1. How does God warn us today when we stray?

  2. We don’t like to hear them, but how are God’s hard words and warnings an act of grace? How can we be more receptive to them?

  3. If local pastors and Bible teachers function as our watchmen today, how should we determine who to listen to? What’s our criteria?

  4. With Bible teaching readily available to us in various media formats, many people don’t feel it necessary to belong to one local church. Are there dangers of not belonging?

  5. Tolerance is the highest ideal of our culture and seen as an act of love, but how does love act when danger is approaching?